We will try our best to make your first visit less awkward!

Our discipleship classes start at 9AM

Discipleship classes start at 9AM. There’s a discipleship class for adults in the sanctuary, a ladies class in room 107, which is just off the right side of the foyer as you enter the front of the church, and a class for the youth and one for the kids in the Kidmin (Kid’s Ministry) building behind the main building, separated by a kid’s playground area.

The Worship Service starts at 10:30AM

The Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:30 and lasts until around noon. After a few worship songs, the kids will be released to follow their leader to kids church. Pastor Mike Snelgrove will then bring an expository message from God’s Word. The source of the message is the scripture itself and is exegeted based on the text and context in which it was written. For a link to our beliefs click here.